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Blog & Appliance Tips

20 Mar
Appliance Repair Service
Appliance Repair Service

D and J Appliance Repair Service

Are you searching for an appliance repair service? If so, we can help! Our ultimate mission in D and J Appliance Repair is the complete satisfaction of all our customer’s needs. If you hear a noise out of the ordinary from any of your home appliances, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today! Read More “Appliance Repair Service”

20 Mar
When Your Front Load Washer Isn't Starting
When Your Front Load Washer Isn’t Starting

Everybody needs to have their clothes washed, and if a front load washer isn’t starting, it can make your life less comfortable.

Having your washer breakdown can be a significant hindrance to your routine, and before calling a washing machine repair expert, check to see if you can troubleshoot the problem yourself.

Check the Power Outlets if your washer Isn’t Starting

If your front load washer has suddenly stopped working, the reason could be that there’s a problem with the power source. Check if the plug is still plugged in and the socket isn’t showing signs of damage. Also, there may be a chance that due to a sudden surge in electricity, your breaker has flipped. Check the breaker box and make sure all the breakers are flipped in the same direction.

Malfunctioning Start Switch and Timer

If the electrical supply to your washer looks fine, and you’re facing a problem starting the washer, the problem may be due to a broken start switch/button. In most washers, the start function and timer are combined.

You can usually see on the digital screen that your start button is malfunctioning. It will either light up but refuse to work or not light up at all. Consult a washer repair service if your washing machine still doesn’t work

Problems with the Door Latch

Many times, the washer won’t begin to work when it thinks the door is open. When you’ve put your dirty clothes in the washer, and it refuses to start a cycle, it can be quite a headache.

If your door latch isn’t clicking shut when you’ve tried to close it, there may be a problem with your latch, which is preventing your washer from running as well.

Check the Washer Settings

Depending on the settings you’ve chosen for your washer, you may have inadvertently signaled it to start at a later time. Many washers come with the feature of delaying washing times, which can happen if you’re selecting the wrong settings.

You may also see an error code on your washer, and depending on what company has manufactured it, you can refer to the User Manual Guide to decode the issue. When all options have been exhausted, give your washing machine repair technician a call.

Having Problems with your Washer Isn’t Starting? Give a Call to D&J Appliance Repair Experts

If you’ve tried to check every possible problem with your washing machine but haven’t gotten it to start, there may be a more serious problem that requires an inspection from an expert.

Technicians at D&J Appliance Repair are your go-to source whenever you’re facing a broken front load washer and don’t know what to do. Their expertise and knowledge will have your washer running in no time at all! Call 954-709-7400 to schedule an appointment to get your washer back in working condition again or fill out the contact form.


09 Mar
DIY vs. Appliance Repair Techs: Pros, Cons & Best Practices
DIY vs. Appliance Repair Techs: Pros, Cons & Best Practices

In the world of appliance repair, homeowners often find themselves at a crossroads when faced with malfunctioning appliances. Should they roll up their sleeves and attempt a do-it-yourself (DIY) fix, or should they call in the professionals? This dilemma is not uncommon, and it’s essential to weigh the pros, cons, and best practices of both options to make the most informed decision. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of DIY vs. Appliance Repair Techs, helping you navigate through the choices with confidence.

DIY Appliance Repair:
DIY appliance repair has gained popularity in recent years, thanks to the plethora of online tutorials, forums, and instructional videos available at our fingertips. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


Cost-effective: DIY repairs often cost less than hiring a professional technician, as you only need to purchase replacement parts and tools.
Learning opportunity: Tackling appliance repairs yourself can be a valuable learning experience, helping you gain new skills and knowledge about your appliances.
Convenience: With DIY repair, you have the flexibility to work on your own schedule and at your own pace, without waiting for a technician’s appointment.


Risk of damage: Without proper expertise, DIY repairs can potentially cause further damage to the appliance, leading to costly repairs or even replacement.
Safety concerns: Appliance repair can involve working with electricity, gas, or sharp components, posing safety risks to untrained individuals.
Time-consuming: DIY repairs often require research, troubleshooting, and trial and error, which can be time-consuming, especially for complex issues.

Appliance Repair Techs:
Professional appliance repair services offer expertise, efficiency, and peace of mind for homeowners facing appliance issues. Here are the pros and cons:


Expertise: Professional technicians are trained and certified to diagnose and repair a wide range of appliance problems accurately.
Efficiency: With their experience and specialized tools, professionals can often complete repairs more quickly and effectively than DIYers.
Warranty protection: Many professional repair services offer warranties on their workmanship and parts, providing added assurance for homeowners.


Cost: Hiring a professional technician can be more expensive than DIY repair, especially for minor issues.
Dependence on schedules: Scheduling a technician’s visit may require waiting for an appointment, which can be inconvenient for urgent repairs.
Lack of control: Some homeowners may prefer to handle repairs themselves to have more control over the process and outcome.

Best Practices for Appliance Repair Techs:

Research reputable repair companies with positive reviews and certifications.
Ask for quotes and warranty details upfront to avoid unexpected costs.
Communicate clearly with the technician about the issue and any concerns you may have.

D & J Appliance Repair
When it comes to appliance repair, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. DIY and professional repair both have their pros and cons, and the best choice depends on factors such as the complexity of the issue, your skill level, and your budget. By weighing these factors and following the best practices outlined above, you can make an informed decision that ensures your appliances are back up and running smoothly in no time. Call D & J Appliance Repair 954-709-7400


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