8807 Paradise Court, Tamarac Florida 33321

Blog & Appliance Tips

08 Jan
Appliance Repair Service
Appliance Repair Service

D and J Appliance Repair Service

Are you searching for an appliance repair service? If so, we can help! Our ultimate mission in D and J Appliance Repair is the complete satisfaction of all our customer’s needs. If you hear a noise out of the ordinary from any of your home appliances, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today! read more

11 Dec
Top-Notch Appliance Repair Technicians Near Me
Top-Notch Appliance Repair Technicians Near Me

In need of appliance repair? If so, we can help! We all value our home appliances. Most of them are used daily, so they must be in constant working order. Appliances cost far too much money to be replacing them sooner than you need to. So, ensuring that your appliances are kept in good shape is crucial. read more

11 Dec
The Importance of Professional Refrigerator Repairs
The Importance of Professional Refrigerator Repairs

In the heart of every kitchen stands a silent guardian of freshness – the refrigerator. This indispensable appliance not only keeps our perishables crisp and cool but also safeguards the health of our families. When this kitchen stalwart falters, it’s tempting to don the DIY hat, but the real question is: at what cost? read more

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